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Finding Gratitude in Motherhood

February 1, 2012

Last night, my friend Ashleigh’s status update read: “Being a stay at home mom is exhausting. I’m tired, annoyed, and irritable.” 

Shortly after she posted those words, her friends chimed in with their advice and experience. It had really been a rough day for her and I could relate. I’ve had more difficult days lately than easy. I appreciated her honesty about being at home. It’s really no joke!

Ann Voskamp said in a recent blog post, “Love is not passion. It is the pulse of sacrifice.” While she was relating such words to marriage, I couldn’t help but think of my children too.

Every day seems like a sacrifice raising a three and one year old (and the one baking in my belly!) I told Jeremiah the other night before bed how I often have anxiety at the start of each day when it comes to the needs I will have to fulfill and the demands required of me.

Today, we went to the mall for lunch with my parents before they were about to catch a flight. And we must have counted five or so nanny’s taking care of little ones. It’s pretty common to see nanny’s since we live close to one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the country. Typically, they are middle-aged hispanic women and do an incredible job with the families.

As I sat feeding Rebekah her chicken and cheese taco, my heart filled with gratitude. She had rice all over her clothes and on the floor. I loved spending the time with her and was so glad she was with me. My mom helped John with his taco, but he is such a big boy now that he doesn’t need much help. I thought about how it felt like yesterday I was nursing him.

I thought about the baby inside of me. How excited I was, but overwhelmed too at the thought of having three come late June. Most people would think I’m crazy.

But it didn’t really matter. I’ve been given one of the best gifts in the world- the ability to be at home with my children. The gift of having a husband who works like crazy so I can be at home.

The ability to raise them. Nurture them. Love them. And discipline them. The incredible gift of watching all their firsts and most of all, trying with all my might to show them God’s love so that they will in turn love the world around them.

Hard work and sacrifice? More than ever. God is sanctifying me through motherhood. And it’s a painful sanctification, but there is nothing else in the world I’d rather do than make an impact in the lives of my children.

After I got home from lunch and put the kids down for naps, I went on Facebook and read the recent comments from Ashleigh’s update. She was encouraged and wrote: “Today is a new day. Thankful to Jesus for new beginnings.”

She couldn’t have said it better. And I’m so thankful God has a way of showing us moms so much in the midst of great sacrifice.

10 Comments leave one →
  1. Love and I Do permalink
    February 1, 2012 4:53 pm

    beautiful and so true

  2. Sharon O permalink
    February 1, 2012 4:56 pm

    Being a mom of young children is indeed a very hard job, it gets better as they grow but from an older mom of older ‘grown’ children and grandchildren, the prayers don’t stop they just change in content. {Lord we pray for protection and safety and wise choices and good relationships and peace and … we thank you. }
    Instead of ‘Lord please help them take a nap’. You will do well just press on and keep a good perspective.

  3. Rebecca Watson permalink
    February 1, 2012 5:01 pm

    I needed this today. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Carol permalink
    February 1, 2012 8:44 pm

    Such a good post. Thanks for sharing!

  5. February 1, 2012 10:01 pm

    I love how you said that God was sanctifying you through motherhood. That is so very true for me too. All my imperfections are magnified in light of being a mom. It is NOT easy, but nothing worth comes without much work. Thank you for being real friend!!

  6. February 1, 2012 10:01 pm

    I’m grateful as well, nice post!

  7. February 2, 2012 12:18 pm

    Encouraging reflections, Samantha!

  8. Julia Wells permalink
    February 6, 2012 10:26 pm

    I really enjoyed that Samantha! It is SO hard to be at home and be exhausted and always needed but what we receive in return is amazing! I feel that same pang of “anxiety” some mornings too when I wake up and realize I have to make it through a whole day! I’m glad i’m not the only one 🙂 You’re doing an amazing job.
    Love Jules

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